Are Electric Toothbrushes Better Than Manual Brushes?

person brushing teeth

Electric Toothbrushes vs. Manual Toothbrushes

If you’ve been brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, you’re already doing better than most people. Research shows the national average for Americans is just 1.1 times per day.

However, even that might not be enough to get a good dental report card and maintain good dental hygiene! That’s because with a manual toothbrush, you’re leaving a lot up to using proper brushing technique to cover every area of your teeth and gums effectively.

You may find that something as simple as switching to an electric brush will have a noticeable impact on your dental health, reducing your chances of developing oral health issues and leading to more pleasant visits at the dentist.

Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush

1. Built In Timers

With an electric toothbrush, you can stop worrying about what song to sing to yourself however many times you have to sing it in order to get to two minutes. With a built-in timer, the electric brush will tell you when you’ve completed your two minutes of brushing so you know you’ve done a thorough job. Some electric-powered brushes will even pulse when you’re supposed to change what section of your mouth you’re brushing, helping you to form good brushing habits.

2. Plaque and Gingivitis Reduction

Scientists have found that electric toothbrushes are in fact better at protecting your teeth and gums in the long run. Gingivitis – a gum disease that inflames the sensitive surface area of your gums that makes contact with your teeth – is effectively attacked through electric brushing. That’s because the electric-powered toothbrush has moving bristles that efficiently attack areas that are hard to reach with manual brushing.

3. Better for People With Limited Mobility

Electric brushes are perfect for people with physical disabilities or who have arthritis. The brush head does the work for you by applying pressure to your teeth and gums for a complete cleaning. If you have a condition that makes brushing your teeth a chore, consider switching to electric for an easier experience.

4. Consistent Power

Did you know you can actually brush too hard? Brushing too aggressively results in lost tooth enamel and a receding gum line. Get rid of the guesswork when you switch to electric as the powered brush provides consistent vibrations to clean your teeth.

5. Cost Effective

Overall, the cost difference between manual and electric toothbrushes varies depending on your buying habits. If you generally buy a $1 manual toothbrush every few months or only use the ones provided to you by Loudoun Smile Center during your visits, you’ll probably find that to be the most cost-effective strategy.

But electric brushes are fairly cost-effective too. You’ll only have to replace the brush heads every 12 weeks or so (by comparison, it’s recommended you swap out your manual brush every 3-4 months). Either way, you can dispel the notion that electric brushes are drastically more expensive to maintain.

Looking for a new home for your dental care? Loudoun Smile Center would love to have you! Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with a member of our team.

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